A quick note to let you know about... Sistah Vegan Project!
This study, which was inspired by the PeTA compaign juxtaposing human slavery with animal suffering, wants to investigate if "women of color who are marginalized within their community sympathize with ethical eating more frequently then those minorities who are not marginalized and (...) more broadly, what prohibits a majority of historically oppressed ethnic minorities in America from embracing the connections that unethical treatment of non-human animals has to their own struggles with human social injustices (i.e.: racism, poverty, homophobia, sexism, environmental racism, etc)?
Ethical eating is the manifestation of one's belief of moral justice through a dietary practice that causes the least amount of ecological and social suffering. For example, purchasing equal exchange coffee instead of regular coffee because it directly supports anti-poverty among Third World coffee growers is a form of ethical eating. Organic and fair-trade food consumption as well as veganism are types of "ethical eating."
I find this research super interesting! Therefore, anybody who belong to the group that is being investigated is strongly encouraged to present a submission to the Sistah Vegan Project! The submission guidelines can be found on the Sistah Vegan Projet website: you have time until September 8th!
Spread the word!
Don't be shy! Cook a pie!
No forget that. It must be a tart actually!
And what about welcoming another member? Cheers and hugs to a lovely mom feeding her 4 kids with amazing veggie treats and located in charming Alaska! Have a look at Made In Alaska's blog!
Wow. That's an eye-opener, t.!
i've had some amazing vegan soul food at the hollywood farmer's market...
interesting info. here
I've heard about the Sistah Vegan Project. Sounds like a great initiative.
Thanks for the tART contest reminder. ;)
Actually, the deadline has just been extended to midnight on Saturday, Sept. 2--so get baking and click those crazy pix.
hi im from kolombia
in ipiales city..
..weE :
no explotemos a los animales..
aunque para muchos es ridiculo..
tengamos en cuenta que se debe tener consideracion con ellos
mi correo
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