Vegan Visuals
What's your favourite out of the above? We like a lot the SuperVeganMan! Got any more to share?
P.S.1 - One of our member, Allie of A Vegan Life, has started her own cooking contest about vegan desserts: she is going to try each recipe and submit it to her family for ratings. We think this is SUPER cool since Allie is our youngest member (I am sure she is not very happy to always hear comments about how young she is: sorry Allie!) and she is just 14 years old!
Have you got a recipe for her? Send her one by email, after having read the rules here.
P.S.2 - July seems to be the great celebrations month: Canada Day on July 1st, Independece Day on July 4th and the Pres De La Bastille on July 14th! Wherever you are, happy celebration! I just rencelty discovered it is a custom for Indepence Day to eat read, white and blue food: pretty challenging to get anything but blueberries to count for the blue! If you are considering food colouring for your dishes and have missed the great baseball lunch at Vegan Lunchbox, have a look at this product from Vegan Essentials: vegan, totally natural and safe for everybody!
Look at all the Vegan-ness! woo hoo
Pretty cool, eh? And this is just a selection! These is so much done in the creative fields by vegan it is almost too much to choose from!
awesome post! a feast for the eyes. my favorite is the intensive care unit
I had gone through tons of pages of images on google for words like vegetarian, vegan, herbirvore etc etc.. its fun!!
those are great! i liked the vegan artwork one...very funny
love these cartoons!
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