The Vegan Club

A private club for vegans to meet and relax in a (finally) cruelty free safe zone. Recipes, life stories, ideas... enter in the Club to find out!

Monday, June 12, 2006

CONTEST! Cooking with quinoa!

As anticipated a couple of days back, we have got our first vegan cooking contest lined up, on the theme of "Cooking with Quinoa"! We are hoping to present different and creative ways to prepare this highly nutriotious and delicious cereal!

So, how it does work? Starting today you can send in by email your recipe, or alternatively you can post a comment to this message with the URL of your blog where the recipe is already published. Ideally, everyone should have on their blog their quinoa recipe, so to allow people to visit your blog and learn more about your page! But you do not need to publish the recipe right away. If you want you can first send it in via email and then publish it later on, when the contest will officially open: all I need to know is that you will have a quinoa recipe on your page during the week of the contest.
When we get 7 or more, we will open the contest and let people vote from this page for what they think is the best recipe! If you know you want to submit but you still need some time, leave us a message and we will wait for your recipe to open the contest. Votes will be casted for one week.

What is up for grabs? Since we are unable at the moment to offer vegan goodies, we have decided to offer :
  1. an original button of your own site to each contestant, to show with pride on your own blog and to allow others to put on their site
  2. a blog/site makeover for the winner: if you think your blog could do with a change of look (how dramatic, you decide: we are committing ourselves to go as far as our knowledges can go), or if you are tired with blogger standard templates, all you have to do is to enter the contest with the most amazing quinoa recipe on the planet!
All courtesy of Jo, who kindly did all the design job for this page.

There are just a few rules and guidelines you need to follow:
  • the recipe must be either original (never published previously) or recently published on your blog
  • you can use one of your old recipes, but you must change it a bit, so not to post an all time favourite we have all tried in our kitchens before
  • it would be best to have a picture of the finished dish as well
  • do you need to be part of this club/registered to participate? no: everyone is welcomed, as long as you keep it vegan!

Pretty simple no? If you have any questions, just ask.

Beside for the contest, we have other things coming up: today's recipe, submitted by Teddy (we cannot wait to try it!), an article and a recipe submitted by super vegan chef Bryanna and then some vegan history from long time ago.

So check back for updates and get to cook with quinoa this week!


Blogger funwithyourfood said...

looks like I need to start cooking : )


2:19 am  
Blogger t. said...

:) please do!
and quinoa is so good anyway that it won't be for nothing!

2:55 am  
Blogger primaryconsumer said...

Awesome! I don't know if I'll get a chance to make up a recipe, but I'm certainly going to try. What is the deadline for the competition?

2:21 pm  
Blogger t. said...

There is no set deadline: the moment we recive 7 entries, we will open the voting process. but if you know you want to enter a recipe and want to make sure not to be left out, let us know and we wil wait for your entry before letting people vote!

2:29 pm  
Blogger zenpawn said...

Wait for me! :) I have some ideas, but will probably need the weekend to tinker. If I don't find time or my experiments are unworthy, I'll let you know by Monday. Thanks.

10:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, every-buddy ;)
Gonna leave you a recipe at the end of the week. Unfortunately, it will certainely be in french (or in a bad english). I'll try to translate the best I can LOLLLLLLLL
Oups, time to go to bed,

11:38 pm  
Blogger MeloMeals said...

I want to do this!! I'll submit my recipe either tomorrow (saturday) or early sunday.. I just need to figure out what to make now!

7:20 pm  
Blogger t. said...

You all take your time: no rush!
We cannot wait to learn more and mroe ways to cook quinoa!

10:06 pm  
Blogger zenpawn said...

My quinoa creation ("qalming quinoa") is now up on my blog:


4:09 pm  
Blogger t. said...

Zenpawn, thank a lot! Canot wait to try to make it myself!

12:29 pm  
Blogger MeloMeals said...

here's my recipe:

9:02 pm  
Blogger primaryconsumer said...

My recipe for creamed mushrooms and spinach with quinoa can be found here:

3:48 am  
Blogger Hamza shaikh said...

semolina pasta recipe I have read all the comments and suggestions posted by the visitors for this article are very fine,We will wait for your next article so only.Thanks!

8:14 am  

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. Anatole France